Engineering Lyceum Receives 245.5 Million Rubles Grant for Its Development


KNRTU-KAI has won a federal grant for establishing a specialized research center at the Engineering Lyceum.

245.5 million rubles are granted for the project in order to establish a specialized educational research center at the Engineering Lyceum. The subsidy is granted for three years.

The competition for obtaining federal budget subsidies in order to establish a number of specialized educational research centers for the initial training of highly qualified academic staff has recently been held. The Engineering Lyceum has scored 70.9 points and taken the third place in the competition.

“High achievement of the lyceum and a strong development program,”- outlined advantages of the Engineering Lyceum its director Mr. Dinar Gabidullin. He also mentioned that KNRTU-KAI Engineering Lyceum had already planned to conduct activities aimed at modernizing the infrastructure, professional development of the academic staff; setting up online courses, holding major subject Olympiads and participating in international competitions.
