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KNRTU-KAI Provides 403 More State-Funded Places This Year


Today, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan held a briefing on the “Admission Campaign at Universities of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2021”.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Education and Science of Tatarstan Dr. Ilsur Khadiullin, Acting Rector of KNRTU-KAI Dr. Timur Alibaev, as well as Kazan universities’ management teams.

Dr. Timur Alibaev provided the information about the admission campaign at KNRTU-KAI this year.

“Due to the pandemic situation, and we must first of all ensure the safety of our applicants. We have our own website, which was successfully tested last year. We expect that about 65% of applicants will use it. About 5% will apply through the Public Services Portal and 30% of applicants will undergo face-to-face recruitment”, - said the head of the university.

Dr. Timur Alibaev also announced the target admission levels for the 2021-2022 academic year:

  • Bachelor's Degree Programs – 1 636 places;
  • Master’s Degree Programs - 729 places;
  • Secondary Vocational Education - 255 places.

The total growth of state-funded places at KNRTU-KAI is 403 units. The most popular areas are: Technical Maintenance and Operation of Aircrafts and programs related to computer technology.

This year 230 places have been allocated for employer-sponsored education.

The admission campaign at KNRTU-KAI for full-time state-funded education this year is lasted from June 18 to August 17.


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